ZACK SNYDER’s “Kobayashi Maru”: How NON-FAN Filmmakers CREATE Superhero Fatigue!

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  • On today's episode of Coolest Geek Alive, Jesse Blaze Snider "muthafucks" Zack Snyder on behalf of ALL BATMAN & SUPERMAN FANS around the WORLD! Recently "Justice League", "Batman vs. Superman" & "Man of Steel" director Zack Snyder sat down with Joe Rogan for the JRE podcast and opened his mouth on several geeky subjects that[...]

    On today’s episode of Coolest Geek Alive, Jesse Blaze Snider “muthafucks” Zack Snyder on behalf of ALL BATMAN & SUPERMAN FANS around the WORLD! Recently “Justice League”, “Batman vs. Superman” & “Man of Steel” director Zack Snyder sat down with Joe Rogan for the JRE podcast and opened his mouth on several geeky subjects that true geeks will be truly furious about. And since Jesse hasn’t exactly been satisfied with the extensive online repudiation of Mr. Snyder’s words, he thought he might take a few thousand additional stabs at the man to help normies understand why Zack 100% does NOT know what he is talking about. It gets heated. Enjoy!!

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