What does Elon Musk and Tesla have in Common? The ChuckleBot 3000 has Jokes.

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  • Hugging Face's latest innovation, the "ChuckleBot 3000," and soon, Snarky Sparky will translate your pet's thoughts into sarcastic commentary. Artie Intel and Micheline Learning report on Artificial intelligence for the AI Report. OpenAI Fires Back: Denies Musk's Merger Push, Defends Commitment to Safe AI. Apple sits Siri down for a makeover. Just ask Siri about[...]

    Hugging Face’s latest innovation, the “ChuckleBot 3000,” and soon, Snarky Sparky will translate your pet’s thoughts into sarcastic commentary.

    Artie Intel and Micheline Learning report on Artificial intelligence for the AI Report.

    OpenAI Fires Back: Denies Musk’s Merger Push, Defends Commitment to Safe AI.

    Apple sits Siri down for a makeover. Just ask Siri about it.

    REPORT AI SCAMS TO:  https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/


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