Trump Win SMASHES Hollywood ECHO CHAMBER! (Vanity Fair & even Grace Randolph SEE the LIGHT, predict END of D.E.I. Entertainment!)

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  • For YEARS the Coolest Geek Alive has called for REASON in entertainment & the world stage! For Years, host Jesse Blaze Snider tried to tell them that they had completely LOST the AUDIENCE and were making films & television for a tiny group of their friends in LALA LAND, but were no longer entertaining the[...]

    For YEARS the Coolest Geek Alive has called for REASON in entertainment & the world stage! For Years, host Jesse Blaze Snider tried to tell them that they had completely LOST the AUDIENCE and were making films & television for a tiny group of their friends in LALA LAND, but were no longer entertaining the MASSES. Well…has the mainstream media FINALLY awakened to their ACTUAL reality in the shadow of Donald Trump’s “landslide victory”? It would appear so.

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