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  • The people who are the most well read among the population have learned a skill that few have mastered; the art of following your passion when it comes to books, TV, Film and everything in between! When you hear an artist that you like, GO LISTEN TO AN ALBUM! When you read a book from[...]

    The people who are the most well read among the population have learned a skill that few have mastered; the art of following your passion when it comes to books, TV, Film and everything in between! When you hear an artist that you like, GO LISTEN TO AN ALBUM! When you read a book from an author you like, you can bet that there is MORE from this author that you will find rewarding! Once you find someone, anyone who you decide you really like, you open a door to learn about their craft through their lifelong pursuit as you lovingly pay attention to all of the great work they do. This path is responsible for all the reasons why someone might call our host the “Coolest Geek Alive”. Only by LOYALLY FOLLOWING & LEARNING FROM the ARTISTIC examples of the greatest creative people on Earth could Jesse Blaze Snider become one himself! Join for more!!

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