This week on The Outcast Podcast, Ramo, Gentry, Memphis & TomKat talked about getting the studio painted and playing Spanish music for the painters. Memphis said is was racist, Gentry said he was just playing to the crowd. We talked about our trip to the gun range and Gentry posting pictures of his kids shooting on Facebook which got some blowback from a lady in his comments. We found out the that the #1 killer for children is from gun violence, including suicide and homicide. We watched a video from Bishop T.D. Jakes preaching about how we are raising our women to be men. This struck a nerve with Ramo who has raised three women and has some female tendencies himself. What is this world coming to, when you can't even taste the rainbow in peace. The Mars company is being sued due to the fact they potentially have a toxic chemical that is harmful for human consumption called titanium dioxide. In previous shows Ramo has insinuated that TK may be a grand wizard of the KKK in a previous life, when we all know that's not true because TK has plenty of black friends. To go one further we've created a segment on the show where TomKat highlights true African American Icons. Tune in this week to hear about Garret A Morgan from TK. Thanks for listening! Subscribe and tell all your girlfriends to listen. (from Memphis)
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