The Big Bad Broadcast EP 147 — Tom Cotter

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  • And away we go, hello everyone from London, England. This week on The Big Bad Broadcast EP 147 -- Tom Cotter! You remember Tom from America's Got Talent, the guy who lost to the Olate Dogs. I'm sorry there's a nice writeup on Wikipedia about humans losing to animals, and boom Tom Cotter's picture is[...]

    And away we go, hello everyone from London, England. This week on The Big Bad Broadcast EP 147 — Tom Cotter! You remember Tom from America’s Got Talent, the guy who lost to the Olate Dogs. I’m sorry there’s a nice writeup on Wikipedia about humans losing to animals, and boom Tom Cotter’s picture is right there. This is a funny episode, download the show so you can listen on the plane, train, or wherever you pod.

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