REVENGE of William Goldman: MORE than 13 of his GREATEST WORKS! (“The PRINCESS BRIDE” is just the BEGINNING! )

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  • Did you know that William Goldman author of "The Princess Bride" book & movie also had a hand in writing other great works like... "The Ghost & the Darkness" w/ Val Kilmer, "Maverick" w/ Mel Gibson, "Marathon Man" w/ Dustin Hoffman, "Absolute Power" w/ Eastwood, "All the Presidents Men" which won an Oscar for Best[...]

    Did you know that William Goldman author of “The Princess Bride” book & movie also had a hand in writing other great works like… “The Ghost & the Darkness” w/ Val Kilmer, “Maverick” w/ Mel Gibson, “Marathon Man” w/ Dustin Hoffman, “Absolute Power” w/ Eastwood, “All the Presidents Men” which won an Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay, “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” which won an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay,
    helped out on “A Few Good Men”, “Papillon”, Aaron Sorkin’s “Malice”,
    Adapted Stephen King’s “unadaptable novel, “Misery”, The Stepford Wives, Chaplin, A Bridge Too Far and he WON the Edgar Allan Poe Award TWICE for films NOT even ON the LIST ABOVE! There’s so much more if Jesse can remember it all, the Coolest Geek Alive almost called in sick, but he pulled himself out of bed to prove his love of the great William Goldman!

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