Since it wasn’t an ensemble cast like “The Force Awakens” they couldn’t shrink him on the poster and hope the other characters would compensate. And they couldn’t cover him up with his helmet like they did for Black Panther, because the Falscon-Cap version of Captain America has NEVER had a mask/helmet that covered his face before. Buuuuut what if they MADE HIM ONE…! Just for China, of course. The coolest Geek Alive thinks that we should come together to call this out and not stand for this convenient money minded racism. Join Jesse Blaze Snider as he talks about this and more including some very interesting personal Hollywood horror stories from friends, family and his own life.
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- Since it wasn't an ensemble cast like "The Force Awakens" they couldn't shrink him on the poster and hope the other characters would compensate. And they couldn't cover him up with his helmet like they did for Black Panther, because the Falscon-Cap version of Captain America has NEVER had a mask/helmet that covered his face[...]