Human Women Will Be Having More Sex with ROBOTS Than With Men by 2025.

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  • Artie Intel and Micheline Learning report on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for The AI Report. A New App allows humans to wager on real-time current events. New AI-Powered Trading Tool for Investments. This message comes from Rocket Money.  The Money App That Works For You.   Rocket Money empowers you to save more,  spend[...]

    Artie Intel and Micheline Learning report on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for The AI Report.

    A New App allows humans to wager on real-time current events.

    New AI-Powered Trading Tool for Investments.

    This message comes from Rocket Money.  The Money App That Works For You.   Rocket Money empowers you to save more,  spend less,  see everything,  and take back control of your financial life.  Sign up at

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