“GHOSTBUSTERS” in NAME ONLY: GEEK CULTURE in NAME ONLY – Star Trek! Star Wars! Marvel! DC! The Muppets & MORE!

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  • Willow! Dr. Who! The Terminator! The Lord of the Rings! Dungeons & Dragons is a medieval world is wokeness now! It wasn't woke in the dark ages! Join Jesse Blaze Snider, the Coolest Geek Alive speaking on the proper corrected "TONE" of the NEW Ghostbusters franchise, but its incorrect "SHAPE". In short, THIS was NOT what[...]

    Willow! Dr. Who! The Terminator! The Lord of the Rings! Dungeons & Dragons is a medieval world is wokeness now! It wasn’t woke in the dark ages! Join Jesse Blaze Snider, the Coolest Geek Alive speaking on the proper corrected “TONE” of the NEW Ghostbusters franchise, but its incorrect “SHAPE”. In short, THIS was NOT what the FANS really ORDERED. Send it back!!

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