Earth’s Mightiest Blue Print: How an Avengers ANIMATED Show Created a Road Map for the MCU’s POSSIBLE FUTURE!

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  • Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes" is gonna go down as one of the greatest animated series ever made & one of the most egregious cancelations of ALL-TIME! The show "Avengers: Assemble" that replaced it has none of its charm, a terrible ascetic & honestly can't do ANYTHING RIGHT when A: EMH seems unable to do ANYTHING[...]

    Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes” is gonna go down as one of the greatest animated series ever made & one of the most egregious cancelations of ALL-TIME! The show “Avengers: Assemble” that replaced it has none of its charm, a terrible ascetic & honestly can’t do ANYTHING RIGHT when A: EMH seems unable to do ANYTHING WRONG! Jesse Blaze Snider, the Coolest Geek Alive breaks down why that is…they’re BASED on the GOD D@MN#D #UCK!NG SOURCE MATERIAL!!!! Sound it out with us and enunciate with your lips, “SORE-SAH…MAT-EAR-REE-ALL!” Um, say it don’t spray it, maim. Enjoy.

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