DC FANS at WAR: Snyder Fans v. Gunn Fans v. Comic Book Purists – Whose Right? How’d We Get Here?

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  • Jesse Blaze Snider RETURNS to Coolest Geek Alive for the new year roaring like a lion and getting to the very bottom of the current battle raging within the DC Fandoms online. Since the release of the trailer for the James Gunn-directed Superman film, fans have been viciously divided on whether or not its even[...]

    Jesse Blaze Snider RETURNS to Coolest Geek Alive for the new year roaring like a lion and getting to the very bottom of the current battle raging within the DC Fandoms online. Since the release of the trailer for the James Gunn-directed Superman film, fans have been viciously divided on whether or not its even any good, with Snyder fans happy to say I told you so & comic book purist having never been particularly satisfied with what the WB likes to call a DC Cinematic Universe is it even POSSIBLE to make ANYONE HAPPY?

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