Coolest WRITERS Alive – Trey Parker & Matt Stone (South Park, Book of Mormon & MUCH MORE!)

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  • Trey Parker & Matt Stone have been working as a team now for well over THIRTY YEARS and BOY does it SHOW in their INCREDIBLE WORK! Not just funny, but well conceived & written for the audience to enjoy. Trey & Matt are a very rare breed in "modern day" Hollywood and the unique position[...]

    Trey Parker & Matt Stone have been working as a team now for well over THIRTY YEARS and BOY does it SHOW in their INCREDIBLE WORK! Not just funny, but well conceived & written for the audience to enjoy. Trey & Matt are a very rare breed in “modern day” Hollywood and the unique position they’ve put themselves into has allowed them to carve out a place in comedy & cultural commentary that is UNMATCHED and seemingly UNBREAKABLE no matter what power cancel culture seems to hold, South Park and Matt & Trey remain un-cancelable and the world is BETTER for it. Join Jesse Blaze Snider the Coolest Geek Alive on a deep dive into the work of his favorite creative duo, Trey Parker & Matt Stone!

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