At the time of its release it received more press for its ballooning budget and the questionable casting of Johnny Depp as Tonto that by the time it actually released everyone just kinda skipped it. HOWEVER, the Coolest Geek Alive is HERE to CORRECT this grievous oversight! “The Lone Ranger” is close to a masterpiece in many regards, at the very least its a masterclass in directing, scoring, costuming, acting, character, morality, writing. It has a number of flaws if you break the fourth wall, but its crimes as a piece of art are very few and massively made up for by all of the incredible things it does RIGHT! Let Jesse Blaze Snider fill you in on another fucking awesome episode of the Coolest Geek…ALIVE!
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- At the time of its release it received more press for its ballooning budget and the questionable casting of Johnny Depp as Tonto that by the time it actually released everyone just kinda skipped it. HOWEVER, the Coolest Geek Alive is HERE to CORRECT this grievous oversight! "The Lone Ranger" is close to a masterpiece[...]