Amazon’s “The BOYS” from STUD to DUD: WHY we CAN’T HAVE NICE THINGS!

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  • When Amazon released the 1st season of "The Boys" the Coolest Geek Alive was THRILLED with the adaptation that improved upon its source material in many ways. A great cast delivered on the promise that its comic book premise held by humanizing the debaucherous superheroes of their world & making them a bit more than[...]

    When Amazon released the 1st season of “The Boys” the Coolest Geek Alive was THRILLED with the adaptation that improved upon its source material in many ways. A great cast delivered on the promise that its comic book premise held by humanizing the debaucherous superheroes of their world & making them a bit more than the cartoon cutouts often depicted in the comics. But 3 seasons later and Jesse Blaze Snider has come to warn you and break down the subtle and insidious changes and hyper politicization that has brought the shows “audience score” below 50% with season 4.

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