Strap in Coolest Geeks for a gushing endorsement of this EPIC, HYSTERICAL, HORRIFIC, PRACTICAL-EFFECTS-HAVING, NO-PUNCHES-PULLED, SCI-FI, FANTASY, ACTION, GORE-FEST the likes of which you probably have never SEEN BEFORE! Jesse Blaze Snider is an award-winning writer himself and he’s here to impress upon you just how great he thinks this film is and why he thinks you should stop everything you are doing and add it to your collection NOW. The COOLEST GEEK ALIVE has spoken.
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- Strap in Coolest Geeks for a gushing endorsement of this EPIC, HYSTERICAL, HORRIFIC, PRACTICAL-EFFECTS-HAVING, NO-PUNCHES-PULLED, SCI-FI, FANTASY, ACTION, GORE-FEST the likes of which you probably have never SEEN BEFORE! Jesse Blaze Snider is an award-winning writer himself and he's here to impress upon you just how great he thinks this film is and why he[...]