Green Lantern, James Gunn & Geoff Johns: 3 Flavors that Belong Together! (Celebrating one of the GREATEST comic book stories ever told!)

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  • So, the NEW DCU seems like it shaping up pretty good with the new superman trailer, but do they REALLY NKOW what they HAVE with that NEW Green Lantern TV SHOW?! The Coolest Geek Alive is here to make sure! Celebrating the greatness of the mythology with a focus on former Warner Producer, Geoff Johns[...]

    So, the NEW DCU seems like it shaping up pretty good with the new superman trailer, but do they REALLY NKOW what they HAVE with that NEW Green Lantern TV SHOW?! The Coolest Geek Alive is here to make sure! Celebrating the greatness of the mythology with a focus on former Warner Producer, Geoff Johns historic run on the title! If you’ve been looking for some good reading recommendations, Jesse Blaze Snider will have you loaded up for the nearest desert island! See ya inside!

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