COOLEST of ALL: STAR TREK! Next Gen! Deep Space! Voyager! Enterprise! Original Series & 10 Films! (NO Kurtzman-Trek!)

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  • "QAPLA'!" If you don't know what that means, prepare to be indoctrinated into the world of Gene Roddenberry's STAR TREK! Not to be confused with the detestable "Kurtzman-Trek" universe, which started with Star Trek: Discovery in 2017 and proceeded to SHIT ALL OVER EVERYTHING THAT CAME BEFORE IT! But the Coolest Geek Alive is here[...]

    “QAPLA’!” If you don’t know what that means, prepare to be indoctrinated into the world of Gene Roddenberry’s STAR TREK! Not to be confused with the detestable “Kurtzman-Trek” universe, which started with Star Trek: Discovery in 2017 and proceeded to SHIT ALL OVER EVERYTHING THAT CAME BEFORE IT! But the Coolest Geek Alive is here to introduce you to the REAL Star Trek PROPERLY! You’re welcome. Join Jesse Blaze Snider as he runs through their SIX different TV series, amounting to almost 30 SEASONS of TV and the only 10 FILMS that count! CGA has rededicated itself to bringing more joy into the geek culture community. We firmly believe that if everyone in the world watched every episode of REAL Star Trek, the world would be a better place! So join us in making it one by educating yourself on the true fundamental greatness of the positive vision of the future that is Gene Roddenberry’s STAR TREK and find out why absolutely NOTHING ELSE holds a candle to it, because NO OTHER sci-fi offering has EVER given us HOPE for the FUTURE! Lapsed Star Wars fans…it’s time to cross over…to the DARK SIDE. 😉

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